Automatic Evergreen

Done for you weekly email newsletters for Creators, Entrepreneurs, and Thought Leaders. Get in touch now and we can create weekly email newsletters with little to no effort on your behalf.

What is Automatic Evergreen?

You did the work. You created hundreds of pieces of content. But what’s that hard work doing now? And going forward? What if you had a team of experienced professionals to remix your content into a high-converting weekly email newsletter that makes you money?

Writing a weekly email newsletter is the most profitable yet under-utilized tool a creator has. Even if your main content is YouTube or a podcast, you can generate massive revenue with a newsletter.

Here’s how to start minting email gold.

Automatic Evergreen
works best for:

Active Creators who haven’t started or have trouble sticking to a weekly email newsletter.

If you’re making content on YouTube, a podcast, or even writing without an email list, Automatic Evergreen is a perfect fit for you. Even if you’ve started an email list but send inconsistently, we immediately put you on a weekly cadence of quality content.

I’ve created hundreds of pieces of productivity content as the Founder of Best Self. Blog posts, podcasts, YouTube videos, and internal training; I’ve done it all!

Except send a weekly newsletter.

The Automatic Evergreen team took my scattered content and turned it into a regular newsletter that my subscribers love. Even better, I literally don’t think about it. After setup and onboarding they take care of every step of the process. It’s totally hands-off for me and the results are fantastic.

Cathryn Lavery of Little Might

Creators who have moved on to different topics, a new business, or a different stage of life.

If you’ve spent years making content on a topic but no longer focus on it, we will give your content new life through email newsletters. We can also develop evergreen promotions for your products so the money keeps coming in week after week!

“I’ve helped market and launch several best-selling books, including Ramit Sethi, Pamela Slim, and Dan Pink. I started Book Launch to show aspiring authors how to do the same.

I used the success of Book Launch to fund the launch of Story Grid. But as I worked more on Story Grid the less attention Book Launch received… and sales declined.

The Automatic Evergreen team revived Book Launch and boosted sales 40%! This gave me the security and confidence I needed to go all-in on Story Grid.”

Tim Grahl of Book Launch

Writing examples from a variety of content sources.

6 Small Things from a Cathryn Lavery YouTube video

Note-taking essentials from Matt Ragland podcast

E + R = O from a Coach Buzz Williams YouTube video

Behind the scenes look at how we train our team to interpret audio/video content to emails

Use a weekly newsletter
to cashflow sponsorship opportunities.

For qualifying newsletters, we can also help you start with the ConvertKit Sponsor Network. We work directly with the ConvertKit team to source, negotiate, and fulfill sponsorship opportunities for your newsletter.

A real case study sample from Matt’s newsletter! Note that his $500 per email results are likely around the minimum you can expect from sponsors. Your results may vary.

You’ve already done the hard work.

Schedule a call with our team and we can start creating your weekly email newsletters on autopilot.